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Why You Should Wear Sunglasses To Protect Your Eyes
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Why You Should Wear Sunglasses To Protect Your Eyes

BY WMP PUBLISHED September 15, 2022


When you’re lounging on a beach and working on your tan, strolling around on a sunny day, or skiing down snowy slopes, you’re probably not thinking about your eyes much. At least, no more than the fact that you’re witnessing nature’s incredible beauty.

However, if protecting your eyes isn’t something you think about often, you may not be able to enjoy such beautiful views for long.

Exposure to the sun can severely damage your eyes, which is why you should wear sunglasses. They’re more than just a stylish accessory, they’re important for promoting better eye health! 

Man wearing double bridge aviator sunglasses


Are Sunglasses Good for Your Eyes and Do Sunglasses Protect Eyes?

Sunlight can make you feel amazing when the warmth of the sun hits your skin, but that’s not the case for your eyes. Here are some ways that exposure to the sun can affect your eyesight:

  • Photokeratitis - a “sunburn” to the cornea which causes severe pain in both eyes around 6 to 12 hours after exposure. It is temporary and can be treated with antibiotics and painkillers.
  • Cataract formation or glaucoma - it makes vision cloudy or blurred and can lead to blindness if not surgically removed.
  • Pterygium - a benign growth of conjunctival tissue, this creates a layer over the cornea, leading to chronic irritation, inflammation, and redness. It can also lead to obstructed vision and blurry eyesight that may require surgical removal.
  • Macular degeneration - it affects the central part of the retina which is responsible for central vision and can lead to severe impairment. Treating macular degeneration often requires direct medicinal injections into the eye.
  • Cancer - in rare cases, chronic UV exposure can lead to an increase in certain types of cancers related to the eye. They may require the surgical removal of the entire eye.
  • Climatic droplet keratopathy - a rare disease that makes the cornea cloudy and can obstruct vision to a point where restoring it would require a corneal transplant.

Not all sunglasses can protect you from the aforementioned conditions. To ensure you’re getting the most protection, reach for sunglasses with UV protection. These sunglasses are extremely effective at saving the eyes from the sun’s harsh UV rays. 

Therefore, if you’re going to expose your eyes to the sun for long hours, wearing UV protection sunglasses like the ones from WMP Eyewear is the best option for maximum protection. 

Why Wear Sunglasses?

Aside from protecting your eyes from UV rays, sunglasses are also extremely useful for protecting them from the elements during all kinds of weather conditions:

  • The glare of the sunlight reflected in snow can be extremely harmful and cause eye strain or snow blindness which burns the cornea.
  • Sand can scratch the eye and cause permanent damage.
  • Wind and dust can irritate the eyes and make it difficult to see things clearly.
  • Bright sunlight can also trigger migraines and headaches.

Sunglasses offer protection from these problems, ensuring that your eyes remain healthy. In addition, polarized sunglasses also optimize viewing clarity, as they reduce the glare from harsh sunlight. This makes colors appear more saturated and details are also more visible.

Year-round sunglasses

Conclusion: The Importance of Sunglasses

Sunglasses have become an important accessory in any fashion-forward wardrobe. They can elevate any outfit and make you look incredibly stylish no matter what you’re doing. They’re also extremely functional and essential for protecting your eyes and maintaining eye health.

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